Millions of rabbits, horses, mice and small mammals are used to test household items and cosmetics. Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever are among the most cruel animal testing companies. In Chile, until 2008, the vivarium primate of the Catholic University of Chile kept in confinement for over a hundred monkeys used for experimentation, which underwent circumstances of extreme suffering, as physical pain, stress, isolation and overcrowding. Tristante, Jeronimo (1995). "two". The Valley of the shadows. Penguin Random House.
From 2013 the European Commission banned in the EU market any cosmetic product (toiletries, creams, soaps, makeup, dental hygiene, etc.) that has been experienced in animales. animal testing in the Union Europe was already prohibited since 2004 for cosmetic products and since 2009 for cosmetic ingredients.In Spain since 2013 is prohibited experimentation on great apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans and bonobos) used for experimental and other scientific purposes including docencia. months after the Council of Ministers of the European Union agreed to ban practices science with great apes such as chimpanzees or orangutans, except in exceptional cases for certain types of enfermedad. In 2015 a similar measure was taken in New Zealand while in India import is prohibited. The import ban puts India joins countries like Brazil, Australia and New Zelanda.
Abandoning pets
Increasingly it is understood that pets are a responsibility, not a toy, and therefore have an obligation to care for due diligence. Neglect can be considered an abuse if we consider that in the street, road, vacant lots and / or imprisoned animals can not provide for themselves of food, water, shelter and health protection. Abandoned, without assistance, the animals are exposed to all kinds of aggression and violence, and poisonings, abuses and death.
The human-animal bond is ancient and are dogs who have given countless and invaluable man to physical and psychological benefits; however, far from giving back the same way, they have been treated as objects of consumption that can be purchased and discarded at will. Often they are become a nuisance that under circumstances such as lack of economic capacity, changes of residence, onset of allergies, compulsive shopping or incompatibility, leading to its abandonment, forgetting that it is a living being and that many of these situations can be solved .
This situation primarily serves the anthropocentrism with which we have handled the relationship with nature in general, which causes us to see individuals of other species as resources exploitation regardless of their welfare, their needs and their right to life.
Abandoning the world is really alarming figures determine exactly impossible, but the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) estimates that there are approximately more than 400 million stray dogs, for which new guidelines is working population control and salubridad.
Most of abandoned animals in Spain are collected by municipalities or animal welfare. These animals abandonment occurs more among dogs (76%) and cats (24%) more than other types of animales can say that the fate of the dogs taken in by these entities, to a greater extent, are adopted or returned to their owners, to a lesser extent are euthanized. On the other hand the fate of a lesser extent cats are adapted or returned to owners and a higher percentage are euthanized.
The standard profile of abandoned animals has the following features:
A minority of animals has collected identification chip.
There is a big difference between sexes, although there is a slightly greater abandonment of males.
50% of dropouts, according to age, are adult animals and to a lesser extent puppies and senior animals are abandoned.
There is a big difference between different sizes depending on the breed of the animal to be abandoned.
Most stray animals are in good health.
The main reasons of the animal neglect are:
Lack of interest by the animal.
Family allergies.
Birth of a child.
Apartment smaller.
Animal behavior.
They do not allow animals in homes.
Death of the owner.
Income homeowners in hospitals.