lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

Animal Abuse

Animal abuse includes behaviors that cause unnecessary pain or distress to the animal. They range from basic care neglect to malicious murder. Two types of animal cruelty, the direct abuse, consisting of intentional failure to provide basic care, torture, mutilation or killing of an animal, and the indirect abuse, when you witness or helping abuse or torture of an animal and you do nothing to impedirlo.This unnecessary abuse has become a social problem of great dimension.

Cruelty to animals is one component of the psychopathic triad with pyromania and enuresis.
Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. Either way, and whether the animal is a pet, a farm animal or wildlife, the victim can suffer terribly. Don’t despair, though—anyone can take steps against cruelty.

Deliberate cruelty may involve beating, shooting or stabbing animals, or setting them on fire. Neglect is not giving an animal necessary food, water, shelter or vet care. Because their misery is often prolonged, animals who die of neglect can suffer just as much as animals who are deliberately harmed.

There is a well-documented link between animal cruelty and violence against people. Those who abuse animals are also likely to harm people—including their own family members.

Animal abuse and Interpersonal Violence

For decades it has been stated and studied the existence of links between animal cruelty and antisocial behavior and interpersonal violence. It discussed that abusers shared history brutal punishment and rejection and cruelty to animals and violence against people. A better understanding of these links can help protect victims. Also, recognition allow actions to promote their welfare.

The cruelty to animals is a warning about the possible existence of other forms of violence,addition, reference is made to a triad of abuse, it consists of physical abuse by parents to their children, cruelty to animals and interpersonal violence. Interpersonal violence consists of actions and behaviors of force and unnecessary bullying people. The women are the main victims of such abuse.

Moreover, we have identified a strong link between watching acts of animal cruelty, and the practice of such abuses. Statistically, it has been found that three out of ten individuals who have witnessed acts of animal cruelty, have engaged in such practices in some momento. addition, it has been recognized men as the main perpetrators of such maltrato.

In addition, other studies like DiLillo Degue and established a number of common traits among children or young people who undertake acts of animal cruelty. Among the most common features are: the feeling of inferiority, rejection and criticism. Also, isolation and constant bouts of aggressive behavior, characteristic of children or young people who undertake animal cruelty.
Some research, assert that there is an extensive list of aggressive, violent or even murderers with a taste for mistreating, torturing and murdering people animals, and that they acquire taste from childhood or youth, also disclosed that most aggressors are male, and are closely related to domestic violence. The figures are alarming: about one million animals are abused each year by their caregivers in cases of domestic violence. The most common victims are dogs, 1 880 cases reported by the media in 2007, representing 64.5% (of which 25% belonged to the pitbull breed) 18% 25% cats and other animals, as horses, cows, pigs, etc. Interestingly, in the latter case, many of the reported cases were animals mistreated by the meat industry (slaughterhouses, factory farms of livestock, etc.) 

A study by Apasdem (civil organization) shows that in some centers dog control, the dog population is about 1 million 383 thousand,  and making a comparison with the complaints of abused animals, rescues and urban discomfort received (one 591 thou.sand) for Animal Surveillance Brigade of the Ministry of Public Security of the Federal District, we can deduce that there are very few complaints of this type are made.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

Use For Testing Cosmetics And Cleaning Products

Millions of rabbits, horses, mice and small mammals are used to test household items and cosmetics. Procter & Gamble, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever are among the most cruel animal testing companies. In Chile, until 2008, the vivarium primate of the Catholic University of Chile kept in confinement for over a hundred monkeys used for experimentation, which underwent circumstances of extreme suffering, as physical pain, stress, isolation and overcrowding. Tristante, Jeronimo (1995). "two". The Valley of the shadows. Penguin Random House.
From 2013 the European Commission banned in the EU market any cosmetic product (toiletries, creams, soaps, makeup, dental hygiene, etc.) that has been experienced in animales. animal testing in the Union Europe was already prohibited since 2004 for cosmetic products and since 2009 for cosmetic ingredients.In Spain since 2013 is prohibited experimentation on great apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans and bonobos) used for experimental and other scientific purposes including docencia.  months after the Council of Ministers of the European Union agreed to ban practices science with great apes such as chimpanzees or orangutans, except in exceptional cases for certain types of enfermedad. In 2015 a similar measure was taken in New Zealand while in India import is prohibited. The import ban puts India joins countries like Brazil, Australia and New Zelanda.

Abandoning pets

Increasingly it is understood that pets are a responsibility, not a toy, and therefore have an obligation to care for due diligence. Neglect can be considered an abuse if we consider that in the street, road, vacant lots and / or imprisoned animals can not provide for themselves of food, water, shelter and health protection. Abandoned, without assistance, the animals are exposed to all kinds of aggression and violence, and poisonings, abuses and death.

The human-animal bond is ancient and are dogs who have given countless and invaluable man to physical and psychological benefits; however, far from giving back the same way, they have been treated as objects of consumption that can be purchased and discarded at will. Often they are become a nuisance that under circumstances such as lack of economic capacity, changes of residence, onset of allergies, compulsive shopping or incompatibility, leading to its abandonment, forgetting that it is a living being and that many of these situations can be solved .

This situation primarily serves the anthropocentrism with which we have handled the relationship with nature in general, which causes us to see individuals of other species as resources exploitation regardless of their welfare, their needs and their right to life.

Abandoning the world is really alarming figures determine exactly impossible, but the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) estimates that there are approximately more than 400 million stray dogs, for which new guidelines is working population control and salubridad.

Most of abandoned animals in Spain are collected by municipalities or animal welfare. These animals abandonment occurs more among dogs (76%) and cats (24%) more than other types of animales can say that the fate of the dogs taken in by these entities, to a greater extent, are adopted or returned to their owners, to a lesser extent are euthanized. On the other hand the fate of a lesser extent cats are adapted or returned to owners and a higher percentage are euthanized.

The standard profile of abandoned animals has the following features:

A minority of animals has collected identification chip.
There is a big difference between sexes, although there is a slightly greater abandonment of males.
50% of dropouts, according to age, are adult animals and to a lesser extent puppies and senior animals are abandoned.
There is a big difference between different sizes depending on the breed of the animal to be abandoned.
Most stray animals are in good health.

The main reasons of the animal neglect are:

Lack of interest by the animal.
Family allergies.
Birth of a child.
Apartment smaller.
Animal behavior.
They do not allow animals in homes.
Death of the owner.
Income homeowners in hospitals.

Forms Of Mistreatment Of Animals

With playful purpose

Bullfight. Considered one of the expressions of Hispanic culture, Template: Quote reqeridatermina after various ritual acts, with the death of a bull using the sword.

Fox hunting. Practiced in England. Hounds and horsemen pursue and kill a fox huye.14 dogs are trained with fox cubs.

Bear baiting. Practiced in England, from the eleventh century to the twentieth, and today in parts of Pakistán.A chained bear whose teeth have been ground, was attacked by four mastiffs.

Roosters fight. Roosters to which steel spurs up to ten centimeters long and often fight are added Dead.

Dogfighting. For the training of fighting dogs, they are taught to kill puppies dede small dogs and cats, sometimes stolen for this purpose,  until it creates in them the irrepressible desire to kill.
Although many breeds are used, pittbull terrier are most commonly used in illegal dog fighting. Covered in blood, with torn eyes, biting ears, moving over their remaining legs broken or torn, they are struggling to meet their owners. Thousands of them die each year.

"Play the piano". After the hunting season, some hunters discard their dogs by hanging. For more cruelty, suspended on tiptoe so the dog dies of suffocation when dropped by cansancio.

Many maimed dogs and cats, such as cutting off the tail, ears, vocal cords, for "aesthetic reasons" or convenience for their owners (eg, so that the dog does not bother barking).

In scientific experiments

In monkeys and rabbits they are forced to smoke until they die of cancer pulmonar. It is subjected to electric shocks to animals that are unable to rely. To protect rabbits without eyes, they put in these eye makeup and hair dye eyes until they ulcerate. The monkeys were left to die of starvation, or are forced to run within wheels and subjected to radiation. The time that, on average, last in this until they die: 37 hours. A cats are blind and are castrated and destroys the sense of smell, they cut nerves of sexual organs, and then were tested to see how they respond to sexual sense. The animals were destroyed the vocal cords so they can not scream.

Examples of Animal Abuse

Abandonment of animals in the street or because they can not care or sometimes simply because they do not want to have animals.

 Keep in improper installation from the point of view of health and hygiene or inadequate for the practice of care and attention they need according to their needs ethnological, by race and species.

Mutilation practice them, except those controlled by veterinarians if necessary, or functional requirement.

No facilitate food necessary for normal development.

Donate thereof as prize, reward or gift compensation for other acquisitions of different animals transaction onerous nature.

Sale to laboratories or clinics without complying with the guarantees provided in the regulations.

Exercise their peddling.

Provide them with foods that contain substances that may cause unnecessary suffering or injury.

Brutally beat to cause psychological harm to another person.

Some types of mistreatment of pets are:

Leave the pet outdoors, (suffering from cold, sun and rain).

Leaving food (forget give them at least once a day to eat).

Leaving the water (not verified at least once a day if you have fresh, clean water)
Neglect, is your health (when sick or take (or) to vaccinate), their welfare (not make any case) or environment (not bathe (or) not clean the place where he eats or lives). This also includes neglect.

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2015

In The War

Animals are creatures for military use which have been used by humans for war. There are specific applications for working animals, for example horses and dogs. Recently it has questioned the use of animals in war, and practices such as using animals to fight, using them as living bombs (for example, the use of donkeys with explosives) or military testing (such as atomic experiments Bikini Atoll) have It has been criticized as cruelty.

In 2008 a video of a US Marine of America launching a puppy into a ravine during the conflict in Iraq was popularized as an Internet phenomenon and attracted several criticisms because the actions of the soldier were rated as an act of cruelty. Also, as noted in a study of the professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Oscar Horta, other cases could also be considered animal cruelty linked to the military and military sphere would be to use in experiments for military purposes and the death of animals victims of the bombing and the use of firearms in armed conflict.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015



el día 2/11/2015


el dia 2/11/2015